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Syria: Freed Hostage – Terrorists Behind Poison Gas Attack

Domenico Quirico

Syria: Italian journalist Domenico Quirico finally free.

On Sunday, the Italian journalist Domenico Quirico was finally able to come home after being in the captivity of terrorists in Syria for five months, and he was welcomed by his family and the Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino at the Ciampino Airport in Rome.

The first words he said:

“It is as if I would have lived for five months on Mars. I have learned that the Martians are bad. I have just noticed today who the new President of the Republic is. In the captivity, they didn`t treat me well.”

Domenico Quirico is physically marked by the ordeal. However, the most important thing that he said is, that he and his fellow prisoner from Belgium, Pierre Piccinin, have heard how the terrorists had admitted in a discussion that they have carried out the poison gas attack (chemical weapons attack) in Damascus in order to give the West a reason for a military intervention in Syria.

According to the Italian magazine Oggi, Domenico Quirico told to the prosecutor in his response to the question about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government:

“It’s crazy, but I have to say, I know it was not Assad who has used the gas. We did not know everything that happens, not even with the poison gas attack.

One day, we heard in the room, where we were detained, through a half-open door a conversation in English language via Skype; three people were part of this conversation. We did not get the names. One of them has been previously introduced to us as a member of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

The second person, who was with him, was a person that we never had seen before. We also do not know anything about the third person who was connected via Skype. In this conversation,” said Quirico to the prosecutor, “it was about the use of poison gas in the two districts of Damascus by the rebels, and they admitted, that it was intended as a provocation to trigger a military intervention in the West, and that they think, that the death toll was exaggerated.”

Here is the Italian original, halfway translated by me. Who thinks he is able to do a better translation, please, do it:

“Secondo le indiscrezioni, Quirico ha parlato con i pm anche della questione dell’uso delle armi chimiche da parte del regime siriano: “È folle dire che io sappia che non è stato Assad a usare i gas”, ha spiegato il giornalista. “Eravamo all’oscuro di tutto quello che stava accadendo, anche dell’attacco con i gas. Un giorno dalla stanza in cui venivamo tenuti prigionieri, attraverso una porta socchiusa, abbiamo ascoltato una conversazione in inglese via Skype che ha avuto per protagoniste tre persone di cui non conosco i nomi. Uno si era presentato a noi in precedenza come un generale dell’Esercito di liberazione siriano. Un secondo, che era con lui, era una persona che non avevo mai visto. Anche del terzo, collegato via Skype, non sappiamo nulla. In questa conversazione”, ha proseguito Quirico davanti ai magistrati, secondo quanto trapelato, “dicevano che l’operazione del gas nei due quartieri di Damasco era stata fatta dai ribelli come provocazione, per indurre l’Occidente a intervenire militarmente. E che secondo loro il numero dei morti era esagerato”

His fellow prisoner, Pierre Piccinin, who was released with him by the terrorists, said towards the Belgian radio channel RTL:

“It is my moral duty to say the following. The government of Bashar al-Assad has neither used Sarin poison gas nor used another gas on the outskirts of Damascus.”

Quirico said that he and Piccinin were beaten every day and they were even subjected to two faked executions. The Italian journalist went from Lebanon to Syria on April 6, and he was kidnapped three days later by the terrorists when he was on his trip to the Syrian city of Homs.

This is a sensational statement by a journalist and a scientist who were kidnapped by the terrorists in Syria and have been in captivity for five months.

What they say completely contradicts the claims of the U.S. government and the governments of the European Union (EU), which accuse Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian Army to have carried out an attack with chemical weapons till today, and this without presenting convincing evidence for their claims against Syria; and therefore, these governments in the West want to carry out a military attack on Syria as a punishment for the alleged use of chemical weapons.

Now, there are credible witnesses who confirm what we knew from the beginning – we are lied to by Barack Obama, John Kerry, David Cameron, Hollande and Angela Merkel, so that they get their war on Syria.

Due to my usual behaviour, I have afterwards checked what the other media in Switzerland, Germany, England and the USA report about the release of the two hostages and their statements.

It’s amazing but not surprising. They either do not mention the arrival of Domenico Quirico and Pierre Piccinin in their home countries after the release by the terrorists from the captivity in their reports and stay completely silent about it, or they simply omit deliberately the statements by both about the eavesdrop on the confession of the terrorists, that they had carried out the poison gas attack.

Thus, the Western media have again presented themselves as a one-sided propaganda organ of the warmongers and liars. We are not allowed to know what contradicts the story about the evil Assad who kills his own people.

Source: allesschallundrauch

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