prince of jihadists robert s ford making a usual u turn whenever destruction a
Prince of Jihadists Robert S. Ford making a usual U-Turn: Whenever destruction and chaos is achieved it's time for the creditors to emerge for rebuilding. This criminal should be behind bars for a very long time, most of the terrorist groups in the Middle East are his followers, wherever he showed up as a 'US Diplomat' terrorist groups pop up under many guises. Algeria, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, he's just one member of the team like his colleague the US loose and rabid senator John McCain. a top booster, ex-U.S. envoy no longer backs arming Syrian rebelswww.mcclatchydc.comRobert Ford was always one of the Syrian rebels’ loudest cheerleaders in Washington, agitating from within a reluctant administration to arm vetted moderates to fight Bashar Assad’s brutal regime.
Arabi Souri