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Deadly Schism among White Helmets? Three Blown Up in Hama

Nusra Front al Qaeda Levant White Helmets

Three members of the White Helmets have reportedly gone bye-bye when their vehicle transporting explosives blew up near Qastoun, in Hama governate.

It is unknown if the explosives blew up from incompetence, or if they were remotely detonated. Grieving friends from Jabhat al Nusra — which remain on US/EU/UN terror lists — have claimed the explosion was to cover up non-explosives related killings of the trio.

The White Helmets have received tens of millions from the CIA, the FCO, and the US State Department, courtesy of struggling taxpayers, for their humanitarian work, humanitarian work which includes organ theft, kidnapping and murder of soldiers, abuse of the corpses of murdered soldiers, kidnapping and slaughter of children, slaughter of adult civilians, murder for camera, and taking photos of dead fetuses carved from their mothers’ wombs.

White Helmets foto of near term fetus whose corpse is intact except for left shoulder, injured during the sloppy carving from mother’s body.

No stethoscope was injured in the explosion.

At this time, Trump has not tweeted a ‘thoughts and prayers’ condolence, nor has the State Department announced the dispatch of Secretary Pompeo, to attend services. There has been no word from Boris Johnson at this time.

Boris Johnson groping a Helmets’ helmet during Sept. 2016 meeting in Turkey.

Miri Wood will not be saying Kaddish.

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1 Comment

  1. Miri

    Another cover story claims the newly departed left because of a landmine, whilst “doing their duty in securing a bombing location in the western countryside of Hama,” which sounds a tad like a parapraxis, better known as “a Freudian slip.”


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